These are brief, thumbnail descriptions based on each types focus of attention, their chief motivation and their chief fear:

Type One

Ones focus on what is done right and what is done wrong. They are motivated to be good and to act responsibly. They fear being bad or corrupt.

Type Two

Twos focus on what other people need. They are motivated to be helpful and giving. They fear not being needed.

Type Three

Threes focus on achieving goals and being successful. They are motivated to present a winning image. They fear failure and losing face.

Type Four

Fours focus on how they are different from others. They are motivated to form deep, fulfilling connections with others. They fear that they are flawed, missing what others have.

Type Five

Fives focus on being knowledgeable and competent. They are motivated to learn and to preserve their emotional autonomy. They fear being drained by others and the demands of life.

Type Six

Sixes focus on safety and security. They are motivated to find people and institutions that are trustworthy. They fear being unprepared or caught off-guard.

Type Seven

Sevens focus on what is exciting and stimulating. They are motivated to experience everything life has to offer. They fear being limited, constrained, or bored.

Type Eight

Eights focus on power and strength. They are motivated to remain independent and in control. They fear exposing their vulnerability.

Type Nine

Nines focus on peace and harmony. They are motivated to be understanding and accepting. They fear conflict and confrontation.